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Image Z wielkim smutkiem dowiedzieliśmy się o tragedii jaka dotknęła naszych przyjaciół ze współpracującej z nami szkoły: Scuola Secondaria 1° “Giosuè Carducci” w miejscowo?ci L'Aquila we Włoszech.



Społeczność V LO im. Adama Mickiewicza w Częstochowie łączy się w bólu z rodzinami ofiar trzęsienia ziemi i mieszkańcami dotkniętego żywiołem regionu.

The school community of V LO im. Adama Mickiewicza in Cz?stochowa would like to express  condolences to the victims and their families, to Italy, for the dramatic news following the earthquake in L’Aquila on April 6, 2009.


Zespół Comeniusa na bieżąco o tragedii we Włoszech  ...

  Our Comenius team keep up with events in Italy ...

Poruszeni tym co spotkało naszych przyjaciół dzielimy się każdą wiadomością 

z nadzieją, że będzie ona o życiu ...

Moved by what had happened to our friends

we are sharing all the news and waiting for good news ...

Dear Graziella,

We are very sorry to hear about the earthquake that took place in L'Aquila, Italy last night. It is very difficult for us to bear the information that it happened in our friends' home town. Now, we only hope that you are safe and sound. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. We will do our best to help you and remember that you can always count on us. We are filled with sadness and sorrow.
Take care of yourselves,
Headmaster - Andrzej Rydz
Project coordinators - Marzanna Gromotowicz, Karolina Wojtal
School community of V LO

6.04.2009 11.47

Hello Graziella. I hope that you and all your relatives are fine. Please tell us something as soon as you can.
A big hug.
Victor, Spain

6.04.2009 12.54

My Dear Friends,
We are very sorry to what had happened to our friends from L'Aquila in Italy.,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,/
Have you thought what we all can do for them? Please let us know.
Take care,
Marzanna and Karolina

6.04.2009 19.26

Dear Graziella.
We have been following the news, and are very sorry about the earthquake in L'Aquila. We  heard from Biagio that you and your family are safe, and we are very happy to hear that. We are thinking of you all.
Greetings and hugs from
Kjersti, Norway
6.04.2009 19.43

Dear Graziela.
We had inform  about the earthquake in L'Aquila. I hope that all your family and friends are nice. If you need any thing, you do not hesitate to put in touch with us. We are sad for it. We imagine what you will be happening. We sending you a strong embrace and very much spirit to overcome this. We wait for yours news.
A kiss,
Mª Carmen and CEIP JARAMA, Spain

6.04.2009 21.33

Dear Partners,
Today I phoned to Graziella and I could talk to her. I learnt that she and her husband are fine but their house was completely destroyed. We are very sad because of the earthquake. I hope everything will be fine sooner. Take care of yourselves greetings from project team in Istanbul
Nuray, Turkey

6.04.2009  22.10

Our dear friend Graziella,
We are very sad because earthquake took place in  your hometown L'aquila, Italy last night. When we talked to you and learned that you are fine, we became happy. If you need anything we can do for you, please let us know. Don't forget we are always friends and we are ready to help you. We hope everything will be fine soon.
Our prayer with you
Take care of yourselves
Nureddin Turan-Headmaster of Tuna Highschool, Istanbul
Comenius Project Team of Tunahighschool
The teachers and students of Tunahighschool

6.04.2009 22.45

Dear Graziella,
I’m writing this e-mail in the name of our school. We are very sorry for the earthquake. I hope everything would be ok very soon. If you need anything please let us know. Best wishes, Nil -Tevfik Ileri High School Ankara/Turkey
7.04.2009 9.25

Hello Marzanna,
how are you?
we are very sad because of the earthquake. and maybe we can collect some money together and send to Graziella.
take care of yourself
nuray, Turkey
7.04. 2009 19.26

We are really sorry too. Our Headmaster, Hacer and Hasibe made us know the earthquake. Then Nuray and me called Graziealla's home. But as you guess nobody answered.Then Nuray got her mobile phone's number from Ay?e.Then she talked to her. She said they were in their car and their house was damaged badly. :(((    I don't know what can we do. If you have an idea please let us know. We would like to help her if she needs. 
Best wishes,
I?ıl, Istanbul, Turkey
8.04.2009 23.28

This is a message from US Alumna 2008,
Dear Marzanna,
If I have not open my mail, I would have not known of the tragedy in Italy.  I just arrived this morning from the Regional Athletic Meet ( April 5- 11) held in the hinterland of mainland Mindanao where there was no internet connections. 
I am saddened by what had happened to our fellow alumni. Please extend our deepest sympathy and condolence to her. 
May the souls of the victims rest in peace.
With you in prayer for our fellowmen,
Fatima from Philippines

12.04.2009 16:13

This is a message from my Italian friend I met in USA in 2007.
Dear Marzanna,

I thank you a lot for your kind message and I'll do my best to give your message to somebody who can deliver it to the population of the city of L'Aquila. I'll let you know if  and how you can help them.

At the moment i'm at my mum's home in Campobasso, where I was born, not so far from the places of the earthquake and six students from here died. So this is a har d Easter for all of us, but easter is also the symbol of renaissance, of a renewd life, and this is my wish for everybody.

Thanks Marzanna, I hope you are all well as we are here.

My best regards to you and your lovely family

I miss you a lot

12.04.2009 00.30

W dniu dzisiejszym udało nam się porozmawiać telefonicznie z p. Graziellą - koordynatorką włoskiej części projektu, która obecnie wraz z najbliższą rodziną przebywa w Rzymie. Jej dom został zniszczony w czasie trzęsienia ziemi podobnie jak szkoła, z którą współpracujemy i miasto L'Aquila. Obecnie wszyscy oczekują na decyzje rządowe, by wiedzieć 'co dalej?' Doświadczyć takiej tragedii jest bardzo ciężko. W porozumieniu z naszym Samorządem Uczniowskim i pozostałymi szkołami partnerskimi postaramy się wspomóc naszych włoskich przyjaciół. Umieć okazać serce to najpiękniejszy dar.
Z nadzieją,
mgr Karolina Wojtal i mgr Marzanna Gromotowicz



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