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Image Konkurs na najciekawszą recenzję artykułu A weekend for dreamers, lovers and believers - rozstrzygnięty!

Zobacz nazwiska laureatów!!!

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że:

I miejsce zajęła uczennica klasy ID - Malwina Kot.

Gratulujemy również pozostałym autorom najlepszych prac:

II miejsce - Paulina Chyża
III miejsce - Joanna Knysak


Katarzyna Rubin
Ewa Kuśmierska
Katarzyna Wiśniewska

Uroczyste wręczenie nagród odbędzie się podczas uroczystości zakończenia roku szkolnego.

Komisja Konkursowa:

mgr Marzanna Gromotowicz
mgr Karolina Staszewska

Wszystkim uczestnikom Konkursu oraz tym, którzy pewnie chcieli wziąć w nim udział ale z powodu różnych względów tego nie zrobili - dedykuję swoją recenzję:

Normal 0 21 false false false PL X-NONE X-NONE

The article titled “A weekend for dreamers, lovers and believers”, written by Anne-Gerard Flynn, and published  in The Republican on April 29, 2011, sets out to show the last weekend as a ‘a triple home run in terms of historic events.’ The author’s standpoint was clear and made the stories of an historic space voyage, a Royal wedding and a beloved pontiff’s beatification was an invigorating reading. 

The truth is that, being used to Hi Tech, we still envisage our career developing somewhere high in the sky. But in my opinion, referring to the space shuttle Endeavor carrying six astronauts on a two-week mission to the International Space Station is nothing exceptional in the 21st century. However, if you consider this event in the context of courage, love and faith, the significance of it can become more meaningful.

Who prefers what? That is a good question. The author did not discuss it, but simply let us look at the facts. The lift-off, the Royal Wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and the beatification of Pope John Paul II, who was pontiff from Oct. 16, 1978 until his death at age 84 on April 2, 2005, caught attention of millions of viewers in the world.

To sum up I must admit that what happened last weekend was an
interesting set of happenings. They were quite different but equally momentous but only in the eyes of some people! Regardless of your choice, wherever you were during last weekend there were hopes and expectations everywhere.

Considering everything, I would rate this article very highly. I recommend it to others as a great read of high merit.

mgr Marzanna Gromotowicz